Wildlife Sciences
Summer habitat selection by the Teshekpuk Caribou Herd
Assessing the change in calculated animal movement rates due to frequency differences among telemetry locations
Herd movements and seasonal range use for the Teshekpuk Caribou Herd
Using telemetry locations and subsistence hunting maps to assess the harvest of Caribou by herd
Using GIS to create animations of animal telemetry locations
Design and analysis of complex field studies
Field sampling of a variety of aspects of birds and mammals
Impacts to and recovery of seabirds, raptors, shorebirds, and marine mammals from oil spills
Impacts of industrial development and noise on birds and caribou
Impacts of powerlines, wind turbines, and communication Towers on bats and birds
Effects of an anti-collision lighting system on migrating eiders
Advice on mitigating impacts
Expert witness and percipient witness testimony
NEPA documentation and permitting support
Polar bear and polar bear critical habitat
Steller’s Eider
Spectacled Eider
Hawaiian Petrel
Newell’s Shearwater
Marbled Murrelet
Southwest Alaska Distinct Population Segment of northern sea otter
Western Distinct Population Segment of Steller’s sea lion
Yellow-billed Loon
Pacific walrus
Aerial, boat, and ground surveys for protected species
Radar surveys for protected species
Federally listed threatened, endangered, and candidate species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA)
Raptors protected under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act
Birds and their nests protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act
Marine mammal species protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA)
Providing Protected Species Observers to meet MMPA and ESA requirements
Providing data and study results for species listing and de-listing decisions
Expert testimony
Design and analysis of complex field studies
Cutting-edge sampling methods for wildlife monitoring
Line-transect sampling and analytical methodologies
Avian point-count surveys for baseline conditions, population monitoring, and restoration efforts
Long-term population-monitoring surveys
Bald and Golden eagle surveys for wind-energy projects
Raptor nesting and productivity surveys
Aerial surveys for caribou, moose, bears, fox dens, seals, sea otters, seabirds, passerines, shorebirds, and waterfowl
Site-characterization surveys for wildlife and sensitive habitats at wind and solar projects
Nocturnal radar and visual surveys for birds
Bat acoustic-monitoring surveys