NEPA & Permitting
Unrivaled experience conducting baseline studies to fill data gaps
Highly respected Subject Matter Experts, particularly for TES
Published and unpublished resources needed to conduct data gap analysis for biological resources
Use of spatially explicit data (e.g., from GPS collars) integrated with remote sensing data and habitat maps
Skill and experience working with teams of resource experts and with various stakeholders
Tier I (Site Evaluation) and Tier 2 (site characterization) assessments
Avian/Raptor use and nest surveys
Bat acoustic monitoring
Mist netting, telemetry, nocturnal radar, and visual studies of birds and bats
Post-construction fatality monitoring
Threatened, endangered, and sensitive species surveys
Conservation strategies and protection plans
Modeling collision risk and population impacts
Offshore wildlife impact assessments
Landscape modeling, viewshed analysis, and change detection
Habitat mapping and GIS