Sue Ives and Robert McNown conducted wetland delineations, wetland functional assessments, rare and sensitive plant surveys, and invasive plant surveys for 4 Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities projects in Juneau, Alaska.
Wetland delineations followed the USACE 3-parameter approach and the methodology described in the Alaska Regional Supplement. Each wetland's functional performance was assessed using the Wetlands Ecosystem Services Protocol for Southeast Alaska (WESPAK-SE), which included detailed information on structural diversity, variations in surface water depth, presence and abundance of invasive species, and presence of and modifications to inlets and outlets.
Surveys for invasive plants and rare and sensitive plants were conducted concurrently with wetland delineations. A targeted list of 44 invasive species was developed by combining the Alaska Department of Natural Resources list of prohibited and noxious weeds and the Southeast Region Plan for the Disposal and Control of Invasive Plant Species.
A focal list of rare and sensitive plant species likely to be present in the area was refined, and an intuitive controlled survey method was used to search for these focal species.
