Fairbanks Office

Senior Scientist
Susan Cargill Bishop, Ph.D.
Ecological Rehabilitation
Plant Ecology
Sue Bishop has been involved in arctic ecological studies and rehabilitation research in Canada and Alaska since the early 1980s. Her experience includes preparation of NEPA documents. Sue’s present research focuses on ecological rehabilitation projects, primarily in the northern Alaska oilfields. She is one of the team leaders of ABR’s Land Rehabilitation Program, and is the senior author of annual progress reports summarizing this work.
Sue’s earlier projects included research on natural colonization of disturbed sites and on wildlife/habitat relationships, particularly with respect to waterfowl and caribou.
Select Publications
Bishop, S. C. 2013. Assessment of tundra affected by the Orbit 25 brine spill, Hope Bay Mine, Nunavut, Canada. Report prepared for TMAC Resources Ltd., Toronto, ON, Canada.
Streever, B., and S. C. Bishop, editors. 2013. Long-term Ecological Monitoring in BP’s North Slope Oil Fields through 2012. BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc., Anchorage, AK.
Lawhead, B. E., S. C. Bishop, and W. A. Stubblefield. 1992. Caribou, drilling muds, and geophagy: A literature review and synthesis. Northern Alaska Research Studies report, prepared for BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc., Anchorage, by Alaska Biological Research, Inc., Fairbanks, and ENSR Consulting and Engineering, Ft. Collins, CO. 21 pp.
Bishop, S. C., and F. S. Chapin, III. 1989. Establishment of Salix alaxensison a gravel pad in arctic Alaska. Journal of Applied Ecology 26: 575–583.
Bishop, S. C., and F. S. Chapin, III. 1989. Patterns of natural revegetation on abandoned gravel pads in arctic Alaska. Journal of Applied Ecology 26: 1073–1081.