Anchorage Office

Senior Scientist
Sue Ives, M.S., P.W.S.
Wetland delineations and functional assessments
Wildlife habitat classification and mapping
Database management and programming postgreSQL
Ecosystem and wildlife habitat mapping in support of NEPA and FERC permitting and Environmental Impact Statements
Sue has 15 years’ experience performing wetland delineations and functional assessments in Alaska. Her current work focuses on developing wetland maps and assessments to support 404 permitting applications, and on developing broad-scale wetland maps to support NEPA processes. Sue’s master’s degree is on the interactions between wetlands and climate (see Ives et al. 2013, below).
Select Publications
Wells, A. F., T. Christopherson, G. V. Frost, M. J. Macander, S. L. Ives, R. W. McNown, and E. K. Johnson. 2021. Ecological land survey and soils inventory for Katmai National Park and Preserve, 2016–2017. Natural Resource Report NPS/KATM/NRR—2021/2298. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Ives, S. L., P. F. Sullivan, R. Dial, E. E. Berg, and J. M. Welker. 2013. CO2 exchange along a hydrologic gradient in the Kenai Lowlands, AK: feedback implications of wetland drying and vegetation succession. Ecohydrology 6: 38–50. <doi:10.1002/eco.274>