Anchorage Office

Research Biologist
Andy Bankert, M.S.
Avian Ecology
Threatened and Endangered Species
Aerial and Ground Surveys
Andy spent four seasons working with shorebirds and seabirds in Alaska before moving up permanently in 2020. Recently, Andy has been studying breeding shorebirds and conducting aerial surveys for waterfowl and caribou. In addition to shorebird, waterfowl, and seabird surveys, he has conducted grassland songbird surveys, analyzed vegetation from remotely sensed data, and studied river morphology in Colorado.
Select Publications
Youngberg, E. N., Bankert, A. R., Panjabi, A. O., Conrey, R. Y., Meyer, A., & Correll, M. D. (2020). Southward breeding range expansion of the Baird's Sparrow. Ecology, 101(2), e02872.
Bankert, A. R., Strasser, E. H., Burch, C. G., & Correll, M. D. (2021). An open-source approach to characterizing Chihuahuan Desert vegetation communities using object-based image analysis. Journal of Arid Environments, 188, 104383.
Bankert, A. R., & Nelson, P. A. (2018). Alternate bar dynamics in response to increases and decreases of sediment supply. Sedimentology, 65(3), 702-720.